Sunday, April 26, 2009

insipration #2 + hijabifying audrey hepburn

audrey darling you're a CLASSIC you're look just is beyond my fashion standards and yet i watch with jealously at your dress.............
AaaHH aren't i weird i haven't even watched breakfast at Tiffany's and here i am going on as if i'm a true fan :) ANYWAYzz i will use this photo as inspiration and at the same time hijabify it

ladies and gents you are to witness me joining two sections and turn them into ONE !!!
pick a card any card.......

i think i'm going a bit too much now lol

this is the photo:

and this is the set:

easy wasn't?

thanks everybody drive home safely!

1 comment:

Chloe said...

oh thats totally cute. I love audrey hepburn, especially in that movie. gotta copy that hijab look! :)